Xeng and his party members share a warm moment around the campfire.


Maila Fang

Various Doodles and Sketches (2020-23)


Character Design

Alter: Mischief Incarnate (2023)

Sleebi: The Dream-Hopping Ferret (2022)

Cheng: River Master (2022)

Fovaun: The Hermit (2022)


A chibi doodle of Tae

Maila is a Hmong-American illustrator currently based in San Diego, CA. Like a moth to a flame, they find themselves attracted to anything charged with vibrant colors and wild movement. They are currently working on publishing their webcomic, "Guiding Light," which focuses on the story of their Hmong mythologically-inspired characters Mao and Cheng.During their free time, they love to enjoy a nice boba drink while discussing new character ideas for their friends' third (and counting!) DND campaign. Indulging in the world of competitive gaming is also a must!

Contact: [email protected]

Alter: Mischief Incarnate (2023)

Sleebi: The Dream-Hopping Ferret (2022)

Cheng: River Master (2022)

Fovaun: The Hermit (2022)